Research Projects

Enhanced Teaching and Learning Through Problem-Based Pedagogy, 2021-present

PI: Carolyn Parker, Senior Professorial Lecturer, American University

  • Facilitate professional development for faculty on NGSS-aligned, problem-baed learning with interdisciplinary connections, including ongoing faculty learning community

  • Assess the impact of the professional development on faculty through analyzing syllabi, and conducting course observations and interviews

  • Assess the impact of the course revision on students' (including elementary teacher candidates) science content knowledge and motivation to learn science through surveys and interviews

Instructors' Experiences During the COVID-19 Quarantine, 2020

PI: Dr. Alice Donlan, Director of Research, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland

  • Developed and administered survey to explore the positive and negative experiences of University instructors as they transitioned to remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Conducted qualitative analysis of open-ended survey responses

Student-Faculty Partnership for Introductory Chemistry Lab Redesign, 2019-2020

PI: Dr. Hannah Jardine, Postdoctoral Associate, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland

  • Conducted qualitative case study of a collaborative course redesign between undergraduate students and a faculty course instructor.

  • Collected field notes during instructional team meetings, interviews with the undergraduates, and analysis of written artifacts produced as part of the re-design.

The Role of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistants (UTLAs) in Science, 2016-2019

Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland

  • Conducted qualitative case studies of various UTLA supported undergraduate science courses to better understand UTLA role in formative assessment, focusing on UTLA-instructor interactions

  • Collected video and audio recordings of UTLA preparation meetings along with UTLA written reflections, conducted interviews with UTLAs and instructors, and observed UTLAs working with students

Practice-Based Pre-Service Science Teacher Education, 2017

PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

PI: Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland

  • Conducted qualitative analysis of written assignments and videos of pre-service teachers in a practice-based teacher education program in order to understand how pre-service teachers’ beliefs about science teaching and learning interact with their developing responsive teaching practices

  • Met regularly as a four person team to review analytical memos and develop case studies

Physics & Astronomy Faculty Professional Development, 2016

PI: Dr. Chandra Turpen, Assistant Research Professor, Physics, University of Maryland

  • Conducted qualitative analysis of videos of faculty interactions during the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop in order to understand how workshop design impacted faculty engagement

  • Met weekly as a three person team to watch videos, review analytical memos, and discuss literature relevant to faculty professional development

Collaborative Learning in a Life Sciences Living-Learning Program, 2014-2016

PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

PI: Dr. Todd Cooke, Professor, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland

  • Completed two-year ethnographic case study, acting as participant observer in all aspects of the living learning program

  • Conducted one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys with students in the program