Research Projects

Multiscale RECIPES for Sustainable Food Systems, 2021-present

Co-PIs: Callie Babbitt, Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology; Celeste Chavis, Interim Associate Dean, Morgan State University; Matthew Hartings, Associate Professor, American University; Roni Neff, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University; Brian Roe, Professor, Ohio State University; Sauleh Siddiqui, Professor, American University

Enhanced Teaching and Learning Through Problem-Based Pedagogy, 2021-present

PI: Carolyn Parker, Senior Professorial Lecturer, American University

Instructors' Experiences During the COVID-19 Quarantine, 2020

PI: Dr. Alice Donlan, Director of Research, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland

Student-Faculty Partnership for Introductory Chemistry Lab Redesign, 2019-2020

PI: Dr. Hannah Jardine, Postdoctoral Associate, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland

The Role of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistants (UTLAs) in Science, 2016-2019       

Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland


Practice-Based Pre-Service Science Teacher Education, 2017

PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

PI: Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland


Physics & Astronomy Faculty Professional Development, 2016

PI: Dr. Chandra Turpen, Assistant Research Professor, Physics, University of Maryland


Collaborative Learning in a Life Sciences Living-Learning Program, 2014-2016

PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

PI: Dr. Todd Cooke, Professor, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland