Research Projects
Multiscale RECIPES for Sustainable Food Systems, 2021-present
Co-PIs: Callie Babbitt, Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology; Celeste Chavis, Interim Associate Dean, Morgan State University; Matthew Hartings, Associate Professor, American University; Roni Neff, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University; Brian Roe, Professor, Ohio State University; Sauleh Siddiqui, Professor, American University
Developed a 3-credit, interdisciplinary, project-based, introductory-level undergraduate course on wasted food, integrating expertise and content from across the research network
Provided professional development to faculty teaching the course at institutions across the US, through synchronous meetings and asynchronous written instructor guides
Worked with the education evaluation team to research the impact of the course on students' knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors related to wasted food as well as the impact of teaching the course on instructors' professional development and understanding of wasted food
Awarded the 2024 American University Staff and Faculty Collaboration Award for development and implementation of the course (article here)
Enhanced Teaching and Learning Through Problem-Based Pedagogy, 2021-present
PI: Carolyn Parker, Senior Professorial Lecturer, American University
Facilitate professional development for faculty on NGSS-aligned, problem-baed learning with interdisciplinary connections, including ongoing faculty learning community
Assess the impact of the professional development on faculty through analyzing syllabi, and conducting course observations and interviews
Assess the impact of the course revision on students' (including elementary teacher candidates) science content knowledge and motivation to learn science through surveys and interviews
Instructors' Experiences During the COVID-19 Quarantine, 2020
PI: Dr. Alice Donlan, Director of Research, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland
Developed and administered survey to explore the positive and negative experiences of University instructors as they transitioned to remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conducted qualitative analysis of open-ended survey responses
Student-Faculty Partnership for Introductory Chemistry Lab Redesign, 2019-2020
PI: Dr. Hannah Jardine, Postdoctoral Associate, Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, University of Maryland
Conducted qualitative case study of a collaborative course redesign between undergraduate students and a faculty course instructor.
Collected field notes during instructional team meetings, interviews with the undergraduates, and analysis of written artifacts produced as part of the re-design.
The Role of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistants (UTLAs) in Science, 2016-2019
Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
Conducted qualitative case studies of various UTLA supported undergraduate science courses to better understand UTLA role in formative assessment, focusing on UTLA-instructor interactions
Collected video and audio recordings of UTLA preparation meetings along with UTLA written reflections, conducted interviews with UTLAs and instructors, and observed UTLAs working with students
Practice-Based Pre-Service Science Teacher Education, 2017
PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
PI: Dr. Andrew Elby, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
Conducted qualitative analysis of written assignments and videos of pre-service teachers in a practice-based teacher education program in order to understand how pre-service teachers’ beliefs about science teaching and learning interact with their developing responsive teaching practices
Met regularly as a four person team to review analytical memos and develop case studies
Physics & Astronomy Faculty Professional Development, 2016
PI: Dr. Chandra Turpen, Assistant Research Professor, Physics, University of Maryland
Conducted qualitative analysis of videos of faculty interactions during the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop in order to understand how workshop design impacted faculty engagement
Met weekly as a three person team to watch videos, review analytical memos, and discuss literature relevant to faculty professional development
Collaborative Learning in a Life Sciences Living-Learning Program, 2014-2016
PI: Dr. Daniel Levin, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
PI: Dr. Todd Cooke, Professor, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland
Completed two-year ethnographic case study, acting as participant observer in all aspects of the living learning program
Conducted one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys with students in the program